NutritionJunkie Shop

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Meal of the day by Foodee Project

 As some of you may have noticed, I just added the Foodee Project to my blog. You're probably asking, what in the world is Foodee Project? Well, its a site collection of incredible paleo recipes all in one accessible place for all you nutrition and cross fit junkies. Yeah, you know who you are. Yep, you!! You're reading my blog aren't you?!

So where do the recipes comes from? Well, they come from all over the globe who have delicious and healthy recipes to share that are paleo approved which are then shared on the Foodee Project wesbite. If you cant pronounce the ingredients then chances are its not part of a paleo meal plan. Thus, not on the website. After all, paleo recipes are only made with all natural ingredients that you can pronounce.

A neat feature found on the website, is a grocery list that allows you to find a recipe, add it to your shopping list and send it to your smart phone via email. Makes browsing the aisles and planning so much easier! Speaking of planning, the site also has a tool to customize your serving size using the sidebar found on the site when you log. It recalculates the recipe according to the number of people you plan to cook for. Cool eh?

If you are a nutrition junkie and have your own recipe, you can submit it to the site and share with  other nutrition junkies like you and I. You never know, maybe it will land on my page under "meal of the day," which  you will now daily on my blog. So come back and visit my blog for the daily meal of the day. In fact, I see a great recipe I will make tomorrow on the Foodee Project websitehalibut with fresh tomato and avocado. Looks delish!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Quick and easy organic almond & peanut butter oatmeal protein bars

- ¼ cup unsweetened chopped coconut
-2 cups of oats
-¼ cup unsweetened organic almond milk. You can add more depending on the consistency but the goal is to have a thick batter to make the bars. I prefer almond milk over regular milk because it allows you to keep the bars out longer without spoiling if you’re on the go, its less sugar and its lactose free.
-¼ cup of your choice of dried fruit. I like to add cranberries
-¼ cup chopped almonds or walnuts
-¼ cup of unsweetened chocolate chips
-dash of cinnamon
- table spoon of flax seed
-2 table spoons of almond butter or peanut butter (your choice) I like to use 1 table spoon of almond butter and 1 table spoon of peanut better
 -1 cups Sun Warrior of  raw vegan protein powder or protein of your choice.

1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and remember you can add more milk if you need too.

2. Pat the batter in pan and refrigerate for 30 minutes. And voila- homemade protein bars. 
I like to top mine off with a very fine amount of coconut before refrigerating. 

You can change the recipe and add whatever dried fruits and nuts you like. If you don’t like cranberries then don’t add them, add raisins.  If you like walnuts, then add those too.  If you only like peanut butter, then only add peanut butter. If you don’t like almond milk, use soy. Catch my drift?! You can play around with the recipe and make it your own. As long as you have the base, the oats, milk and almond/peanut butter, the rest is up to you. It’s easy. Try it. It only took me 10 minutes to make the bars. 

Now you can think twice about buying packaged oat bars in the grocery store!